Planning Your Home Gym

Planning Your Home Gym

Andrew wanted a room that he would actually feel motivated by. His design team, led by real estate and renovation expert Scott McGillivray had all the answers. Then they powered it with fitness equipment and accessories from Spartan Fitness!

See the photos and get a list of equipment here.

Assault AirBike

Is the Assault Bike Right for You?

While fan bikes have existed for nearly half a century, modern advances in the technology have made them increasingly in-demand among military personnel, pro and college football/basketball/soccer teams, competitive cyclists and sprinters, and high-performance athletes from the cross-training ranks. The great thing about the Assault AirBike, though, is that it’s equally effective for young people, beginner athletes, or those rehabbing from injury. You set your own pace. The bike’s multiple, custom seat adjustments also make for a more comfortable ride for people of varying heights and body types. Learn more

On SALE at $1,189
Get the details here
Alan Somerville
Recovery and Rest

Recovery and Rest

Why it's just as important as your workout!

We all love that feeling after we finish a tough workout; well at least most of us do. That “runner’s high” or “the pump” that you feel is something incredible that pushes us to want to do it all over again, no matter how sore, tired, or busy we are. Equally as important as the workout itself, our bodies require the proper recovery and rest to help repair and build lean muscle. Without it, all that hard work may as well be for nothing. Following necessary recovery strategies will help your body be ready to give everything you have to your next workout, allowing you to see results much quicker.

Here are 8 ways to maximize your post-workout recovery (Click to Read)

Alan Somerville

WaterRower - How to Row - Rowing Tutorial

World renowned fitness experts Jay Blahnik and Josh Crosby offer tips on technique and timing for proper rowing form in this how to row clip. Whether in group exercise classes...
Michael Gatbonton
How to Squat: 5 Variations

How to Squat: 5 Variations

The best compound exercise and a must in every fitness program. Check-out this video with personal trainer Carmen Deacetis.
Alan Somerville
Flip the switch and get on with it!

Flip the switch and get on with it!

If we want to get healthier and feel better, we have got to change how we are currently living our lives. Make the commitment to be a stronger, more balanced, healthier version of you. Here's some quick tips to help you flip that switch and get get on with it.
Sean Downie
New Science Reveals How to Maximize Workouts In A Shorter Time

New Science Reveals How to Maximize Workouts In A Shorter Time

New Science Reveals How to Maximize Workouts In A Shorter Time 

Most people have been lead to believe that in order to gain muscle and sports performance they need to hit the weights for hours on end, until now.

Karen Somerville
How targeted exercise can help fight cancer

How targeted exercise can help fight cancer

By the time you hit midlife, odds are you or someone close to you will be touched by cancer. Cancer remains a potentially lethal lottery and everyone's experience is different. A recent trail in Perth Australia is proving that appropriate exercise under professional supervision - before, during, or after treatment - seems to substantially improve your odds.  WATCH video here

Karen Somerville
Fit Tip: Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

Fit Tip: Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

Originally posted for Valentine’s Day, this Life Fitness blog post still holds ground. Instead of taking your special someone out to a movie or for dinner this weekend, try sweating it out together at the gym—you'll love these benefits!  Read More
Karen Somerville
How to Maximize Your Results in 30 Days

How to Maximize Your Results in 30 Days

There's nothing like a wedding, school reunion, beach holiday or conference to get you motivated into getting more fit.  Don't opt for extreme diets or regimens that can make you feel depleted, or even backfire, leaving you in worse shape. Follow these tips and you'll feel stronger and more confident – plus you'll look great in all those group selfies and have people saying, "What have you done? You look brilliant!" Read on
Karen Somerville
Seven Habits of Highly Fit People

Seven Habits of Highly Fit People

You’ve heard it before: If you want to be successful, study the habits of the experts. To get in shape, pay attention to the routines of highly fit people like personal trainers. Many of their secrets are very straightforward habits that anyone could adapt into their own life. Read More
Alan Somerville

How to Use a Stability Ball

The stability ball has had long-standing success in the world of clinical rehabilitation. However, due to their effectiveness in developing balance and core strength, athletic trainers, coaches, personal trainers and physical education teachers have begun to integrate them into their programs. Now they are considered a must-have piece of fitness equipment in the world of athletic and functional conditioning. Read more