How Much Protein Do You Need Per Meal to Stimulate Muscle Growth

How Much Protein Do You Need Per Meal to Stimulate Muscle Growth

Contributed by Matt Volpe, Canfitpro Certified Trainer and Sales Associate at Spartan Fitness Mississauga.

I overheard two older trainers talking and giving advice to a much younger lifter on the amount of protein he should consume to see the quickest results. The two elder gentlemen were both adamant that the more protein the better, advising the client to “take two scoops” and “eat double meat” at every meal. These quotes didn’t really bother me but then I heard the line that made my blood boil. Read on why....

Karen Somerville
They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing.

They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing.

Learn why getting a good nights sleep is just as important as working-out.
Stress comes in many different forms. While some people can recognize the signs of stress on the body, many have trouble admitting that they need to take a step back, slow down, and allow the body time to rest. We live in a world of go-go-go, with limited down time. Due to this environment we are surrounded by, many of us are not taking the necessary steps to aid the body and its many internal functions to work optimally. This results in many factors such as adrenal burnout, mood swings, depression, lack of motivation, an overall unhealthy body, and even more stress.

Karen Somerville
Tagged: health healthy tips
Flip the switch and get on with it!

Flip the switch and get on with it!

If we want to get healthier and feel better, we have got to change how we are currently living our lives. Make the commitment to be a stronger, more balanced, healthier version of you. Here's some quick tips to help you flip that switch and get get on with it.
Sean Downie
Why Your Body Loves It When You Eat Locally

Why Your Body Loves It When You Eat Locally

When you eat locally, you get more nutritious food. The size of our produce, like our bodies, has increased, but the nutritional value has not; studies show that today's commercial produce has far lower levels of nutrients than those grown 40 years ago. Read more
Alan Somerville
Tagged: healthy nutrition
How targeted exercise can help fight cancer

How targeted exercise can help fight cancer

By the time you hit midlife, odds are you or someone close to you will be touched by cancer. Cancer remains a potentially lethal lottery and everyone's experience is different. A recent trail in Perth Australia is proving that appropriate exercise under professional supervision - before, during, or after treatment - seems to substantially improve your odds.  WATCH video here

Karen Somerville
Fit Tip: Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

Fit Tip: Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

Originally posted for Valentine’s Day, this Life Fitness blog post still holds ground. Instead of taking your special someone out to a movie or for dinner this weekend, try sweating it out together at the gym—you'll love these benefits!  Read More
Karen Somerville
How to Maximize Your Results in 30 Days

How to Maximize Your Results in 30 Days

There's nothing like a wedding, school reunion, beach holiday or conference to get you motivated into getting more fit.  Don't opt for extreme diets or regimens that can make you feel depleted, or even backfire, leaving you in worse shape. Follow these tips and you'll feel stronger and more confident – plus you'll look great in all those group selfies and have people saying, "What have you done? You look brilliant!" Read on
Karen Somerville
Seven Habits of Highly Fit People

Seven Habits of Highly Fit People

You’ve heard it before: If you want to be successful, study the habits of the experts. To get in shape, pay attention to the routines of highly fit people like personal trainers. Many of their secrets are very straightforward habits that anyone could adapt into their own life. Read More
Alan Somerville
Everything you need to know about amino acid spiking

Everything you need to know about amino acid spiking

Whether your goal is putting on muscle or shedding a few pounds, a quality protein supplement can help streamline those results. Learn about what distinguishes a quality protein supplement from a poor one in this blog post. Read More

Karen Somerville

How to Use a Stability Ball

The stability ball has had long-standing success in the world of clinical rehabilitation. However, due to their effectiveness in developing balance and core strength, athletic trainers, coaches, personal trainers and physical education teachers have begun to integrate them into their programs. Now they are considered a must-have piece of fitness equipment in the world of athletic and functional conditioning. Read more